Discovery, Alignment, Transformation


Explore how Follow the Sun leverages the power of Lean, the wisdom of Ayurveda, and the innovation of Nature to create solutions.





Follow the Sun helps organizations create solutions that support healthier ways of living and working, following the rhythms of the natural world.


The Future is Now

There’s never been a better time for organizations to transform into more resilient, adaptable, and inclusive organizations.

We are living in a time when solely relying on linear and technical ways of thinking are no longer sustainable.  The future landscape is emergent, unpredictable, and complex. This creates an invitation for teams to unlearn old ways of working that focused predominantly on predictability and instead move towards a more adaptable, human-centered way of being.  



A resilient and adaptable organization focuses on defining who they are, how they operate, and how they grow. When we shift our mindset and behaviors from a reactive to a creative state, we design processes and systems that are human-centered, equitable, and sustainable.

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The Journey

Follow the Sun uses a transformational arc for teams to integrate learnings and create sustainable change.


Who are you in the face of uncertainty?  What belief-systems drive your organization? 

We start our journey by looking at who we are at this moment.  Understanding our current state of thinking strengthens our understanding of ourselves and deepens connections on the team. We begin a journey into a more human-centered approach to work.  


What tools does your team rely on to create innovative solutions?  Does your team have a belief in how stress plays a role in innovation?

Many teams believe that creating, designing, or innovating belongs to a certain department or that it can only be accomplished outside of work.  We learn how operating in a more creative state at work can be accomplished by any team at any time.  Together we redefine work as an opportunity for flow.


How does your organization transform conflict?  Does your organization react or respond to change?  

To become resilient organizations in the face of uncertainty and change, we develop further transformational leadership skills that allow us to hold big emotions, practice deep listening and transparent communication, and respond instead of reacting to differing priorities and perspectives.  We learn skills that ultimately create a resilient and inclusive culture that thrives in the face of uncertainty and change.


What You Can Expect from a Follow the Sun Workshop?

Events Are Practical and Enjoyable: Workshops take place in nature-inspired settings and participants leave refreshed instead of worn out. Training focuses on integrating the natural world and connection with self in ways that make sense in the context of work.

UPDATE: Follow the Sun is currently offering immersive virtual experiences to promote safety and wellbeing during Covid 19.

The Focus Is on Quality over Quantity. There’s no need to overwhelm participants with too much information or try to force changes to happen too fast. Tools are always taught along with an insight into proper implementation.

Results Are Meaningful and Sustainable: Advice is offered based on up-to-date scientific research and real-world outcomes for efficiency, engagement, health, and balance. At the end of the day, participants come away with a shared language for continuous learning and renewed appreciation for their shared purpose.